A step by step guide to Cyber Essentials Plus certification

With cyber security stories continually hitting the headlines, it’s no surprise to discover that 1.76 billion records worldwide were leaked in January 2019 alone. With this trend likely to continue, many organisations are opting for the maximum cyber protection.

To combat the growing threat of cyber attacks, the UK Government introduced the Cyber Essentials scheme in 2014. The scheme aims to help organisations improve their cyber security and defend against cyber attack.

Find out more about Cyber Essentials Plus.


What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials Plus follows the same standard as Cyber Essentials but represents a more rigorous test of your organisation’s cyber security systems. Cyber security experts carry out on-site vulnerability tests to ensure that your organisation is protected against common hacking and phishing attacks.

There are two additional assessments required for Cyber Essentials Plus: an internal vulnerability scan and an on-site assessment.


Internal vulnerability scan

For all companies wishing to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus, an internal vulnerability scan is required. This scan looks at your internal networks within the scope of your application. It aims to find out whether the Cyber Essentials controls have been properly implemented and to check that known vulnerabilities have been addressed.


On-site assessment

The next part of the Cyber Essentials Plus certification process is an on-site assessment in which our team of cyber experts visit your office(s) and thoroughly check whether the solutions you have put in place comply with the control requirements.


Gain Cyber Essentials Plus certification

Cyber Essentials Plus shows your commitment to security, and demonstrates to your business partners, regulators and suppliers that you take cyber security seriously.

A range of public and private organisations have already adopted Cyber Essentials Plus since the scheme’s inception in 2014, with large global corporates such as Vodafone and Oracle leading the way in cyber security best practice.

Become Cyber Essentials Plus certified today.