5 simple key controls for better cyber security

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In today’s modern world full of complex and changing technology, having a good understanding of cyber security is crucial. This is particularly true for successful and thriving organisations, big or small.

With government-backed and industry-supported scheme Cyber Essentials, we help you manage your cyber security going forward to ensure you have a system which protects against basic threats to your security – threats that can be costly to your business.

Make your cyber security safer today with these 5 easy-to-implement key controls.


Set up a perimeter defence on your network

Simply put, this means use a firewall to secure your internet connection. Firewall analyses all the data incoming to your device and checks it is safe to access. In turn, it blocks insecure or unnecessary services that may contain viruses.

Think of the perimeter defence as a boundary between your IT network and other external networks which filters all the bad or potentially harmful content out.


Protect and prevent malware from causing problems

Malware, short for ‘malicious software’, comes in the form of various malicious or harmful content. One example is ransomware, which makes data unusable until the victim makes a payment. Another example is viruses, which destroy software.

Establish anti-malware defences across your company; these are often included for free within popular operating systems.


Ensure your system has the most secure settings possible

This is often described as a ‘system configuration’. When building and installing your software, there are settings you will need to apply to ensure the configuration of all systems is as secure as it can be.

For example, it is good practice for companies to define a baseline of recommended configuration settings built for all devices. It is best to review and update systems frequently to check the configuration is maintained.


Control who has access to your data and services

Manage user accounts by limiting privileges that are not necessary for all users to have. This allows companies to more easily monitor user activity and establish effective management processes.

If a company reports a breach, it is then easier to identify where it derived from.


Keep your devices and systems up to date

This is also known as ‘patch management’. It is a requirement of Cyber Essentials certification that all devices, software and apps are up to date.

For the most part, this is easy to achieve if you remember to install the patches – the Government recommends setting devices to automatically update where possible. Remember, system updates don’t just fix bugs, they increase security.


Want to know more?

To learn more about cyber security and how your business can stay protected from threats, visit the Cyber Essentials Online website.